Use "yob|yobs" in a sentence

1. He's just a yob, right?

2. A dozen yobs stood outside the pub.

3. 21 Was this the yob who had planted the cannabis?

4. She might be with that red-headed yob.

5. Residents complained that yobs had been vandalizing their gardens.

6. Was this the yob who had planted the cannabis?

7. Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.

8. Martin, growling savagely at the yobs, daring them to interfere.

9. 16 Martin, growling savagely at the yobs, daring them to interfere.

10. Our TV screens have been taken over by so-called yob culture.

11. Thats it, act like a yob because someone is just doing there job.

12. 9 words related to Bullyboy: bully, hooligan, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, yob, yobbo, yobo, tough

13. A whole gang of yobs were standing around, just waiting to have a go.

14. Synonyms for Bullyboys include intimidators, hectors, bully, oppressors, thugs, heavies, hooligans, yobs, harassers and rascals

15. Li: Ah, I'm not sure I remember seeing this word yob on the BBC news site.

16. Yesterday, teams of police and forensic experts launched a massive inquiry to find the mindless yobs.

17. Most people, when they hear screaming, either think it is a gang of yobs or quarrelling lovers.

18. Now yobs [hooligans] from areas like Chelsea, West Ham and Manchester are coming just for the aggro [aggression, aggravation].

19. Yobs will be yobs Gardner observed, in the conduct of numerous custody evaluations of children, that divorcing families shared common characteristics which he designated parental alienation syndrome, (1) in which one parent, an alienating parent, Alienates the child or children from a targeted parent.

20. Just because I have made a point of never losing my accent it doesn't mean I'm an eel-and-pie yob.

21. In the worst incident, 300 yobs showered police with broken bottles and bricks then looted shops in the centre of Coventry.

22. Now Jim is hoping to out-manoeuvre the yobs with his latest set of wheels - a special edition Triumph Trident motorbike.

23. It was all pleasantly noisy without any air of aggression, there were no yobs or self-styled hard men among the customers.

24. 28 Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch.

25. The media has joined the debate with disapproving noises about "yob culture, " though Dr. Gill argues that they may be part of the problem, given the tabloid tendency to champion the vulgar.

26. ‘The soil was so hard it took Moore three whacks with a pick just to break loose a Clod of clay.’ ‘And some foul-mouthed yobs have been hurling Clods of earth at passing craft - with one passenger reportedly struck on the head by a Clod.’

27. ‘The callous yobs scattered Cuddly toys, flowers and a red heart left decorating the tiny graveside around the cemetery.’ ‘The Cuddly toy has travelled around the world on various trips.’ ‘The pram was full of Cuddly toys, its interior completely sealed off from the outside world by a protective plastic covering.’